Bring a demon that has DNA from {F811,41}, {F811,42}, and {F811,43}.
Принесите демона у которого есть ДНК из {F811,41}, {F811,42}, и {F811,43}.
Bring a demon that has DNA from {F811,41}, {F811,42}, {F811,43}, and {F811,44}.
Принесите демона у которого есть ДНК из {F811,41}, {F811,42}, {F811,43}, и {F811,44}.
Deliver {F873,1}.
Доставить {F873,1}.
Deliver {F873,1} and {F873,2}.
Доставить {F873,1} и {F873,2}.
Deliver {F873,1}, {F873,2}, and {F873,3}.
Доставить {F873,1}, {F873,2}, и {F873,3}.
Deliver {F873,1}, {F873,2}, {F873,3}, and {F873,4}.
Доставить {F873,1}, {F873,2}, {F873,3}, и {F873,4}.
Accepting this quest will immediately begin a battle. Do you wish to do so?
Принимая это задание, вы автоматически начнёте битву. Хотите продолжить?
You have already completed this quest.
Вы уже завершили это задание.
Collect {F872,1} × {F878,1}.
Собрать {F872,1} × {F878,1}.
Collect {F872,1} × {F878,1} and {F872,2} × {F878,2}.
Собрать {F872,1} × {F878,1} и {F872,2} × {F878,2}.
Collect {F872,1} × {F878,1}, {F872,2} × {F878,2}, and {F872,3} × {F878,3}.
Собрать {F872,1} × {F878,1}, {F872,2} × {F878,2}, и {F872,3} × {F878,3}.
Collect {F872,1} × {F878,1}, {F872,2} × {F878,2}, {F872,3} × {F878,3}, and {F872,4} × {F878,4}.
Собрать {F872,1} × {F878,1}, {F872,2} × {F878,2}, {F872,3} × {F878,3}, и {F872,4} × {F878,4}.
〉 {F873,1} {F873,2} has joined the party.
〉 {F873,1} {F873,2} присоединился к команде.
Accepting this quest will immediately transfer you to a different location. Do you wish to do so?
Принимая данное задание, вы автоматически переместитесь в другое место. Хотите продолжить?
〉 {F843,0} delivered the required item.
〉 {F843,0} доставил необходимый предмет.
〉 {F843,0} delivered all the required items.
〉 {F843,0} доставил все необходимые предметы.
If you give up, you will be sent to the location you were when you accepted the quest. Is this all right?
Если вы сдадитесь, то переместитесь в место в котором вы были перед принятием задания. Это вас устроит?
〉 There is no information regarding the accepted quest. The quest will be cancelled.
〉 По принятому заданию нет никакой информации. Задание будет отменено.
〉 The accepted quest could not be read. The quest will be cancelled.
〉 Принятое задание не может быть прочитано. Задание будет отменено.
You will be returned to the location where you accepted the quest.
Вы будете перемещены в место перед принятием задания.
Accepting this quest will immediately transfer you to a different location. Do you wish to do so?
Принимая данный квест, вы немедленно переместитесь в другое место. Хотите продолжить?
You have returned to your original location. The quest has been cancelled.
Вы вернулись в прежнее место. Задание было отменено.
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〉 {F843,0} can't move!
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〉 {F873,60} has taken damage.
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〉 The candle is dwindling...
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〉 Wicker Man's flames have reached Nozomi.
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〉 One of the angels attacks Nozomi!
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〉 A crack appears in the Orb of the Four Gates.
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〉 {F873,5} has taken damage as well!
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{F812}Voice\0{F87A,112}{F813,0,2004}...You finally made it. Now I can take shape too...
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{F812}Young man\0{F87A,27}{F813,0,2005}I was fighting damn hard when I waited for you to show up.
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{F812}Young man\0{F87A,27}{F813,0,2006}You do remember me, right? {F802}{F813,0,2007}That's right... {F802}{F813,0,2097}I'm Walter.
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{F812}Walter\0{F87A,27}{F813,0,2008}Whatever happens after this, you'd better not forget me. {F802}{F813,0,2009}Because you and me are going to make a world where anything can be changed if you have the will...
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{F812}Voice\0{F813,0,2001}Oh, so there you are. {F802}{F813,0,2002}Hey. Over here.
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〉 You are met with a vision of a city in flames...
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{F812}Voice\0{F813,0,2003}No, not there. Over here!
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